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Abb. used in vessel's descriptions
Bill of Lading Clauses
Examples of ship’s certificates
Charters parties & B/L forms
RMRS symbols
Maritime organizations links
Below documents are in
RUSSIAN language only:
Common abbreviations
SI measurement units
Miscellaneous units
Ship's characteristics
Power and propulsion systems:
  - internal combustion engines
  - steam boilers
  - electrical equipment
  - repair
  - refrigeration plants
  - auxiliary engines
  - fuel and lubes
  - materials science
Ship's theory
Classification of cargoes
Information on containers

Various units symbols adopted by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping

Key to the Register of Ships

The information in each column of the Register of Ships is strictly positioned on the lines. The blank space means no information is recorded.

Column 1. Ship

RS Number

The unique six digit identification number assigned to the ship by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. The number remains unchanged during the life of the ship.

IMO Number

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) identification number.

Signal letters

The radio call sign assigned to the ship under the law of the country the flag of which the ship flies.

Ship's name

The ships are listed in the Register of Ships as follows: names in Russian alphabetical order, names beginning with Arabic numerals, Roman numerals, names in Latin alphabetical order from "A" to "Z". In most cases, the Russian names are transliterated into Latin.

Former name

The last former name of the ship and the year of the change of name printed in bold type.


A physical or juridical person legally owing the ship. The information about the owner and his ships are published in this edition.

Port of Registry

The name of the port where the ship is registered.


An official identification symbol of the state where the ship is registered.

Column 2. Dimensions

The dimensions in brackets refer to the second class notation shown in Column 3. Tonnage

Gross and net tonnages printed in bold type are determined in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 and have no unit of measure. Gross and Net tonnages printed in light type are determined in accordance with the Tonnage Rules which were in force prior to the date of coming into force of the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 (July 18th, 1982), the "register ton" being the unit of measure.

Main dimensions

Main dimensions of the ship in metres and fractions thereof. The overall length and extreme breadth include any permanent protrusions of the hull.

Deadweight and Displacement

Deadweight and displacement in tons correspond to the draught of the ship when loaded to the summer loadline.


The speed of the fully loaded ship in knots.

Hull renovation

1SS Technical condition of ship's hull corresponding to the condition of hull structures at the time of the first special survey, i.e. after 5-year service from the construction date, as stipulated in the normative documents of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
2SS Technical condition of ship's hull corresponding to the condition of hull structures at the time of the second special survey, i.e. after 10-year service from the construction date, as stipulated in the normative documents of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
3SS Technical condition of ship's hull corresponding to the condition of hull structures at the time of the third special survey, i.e. after 15-year service from the construction date, as stipulated in the normative documents of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

Date (month/year) of renovation of the hull

Column 3. Class/Navigation aids

Ship's class

Class notation of the ship denoting that the ship fully or to a degree considered adequate by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping complies with those requirements of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping Rules which apply to her according to her functions, service conditions and class notation and that the ship is under Russian Maritime Register of Shipping supervision specified by the Rules in respect of her technical condition during the specified period with performing mandatory surveys prescribed by the Rules for this period. The class of the ship is certified by the valid Classification Certificate on board.

Where the ship is assigned the second class of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, its notation is shown in the same Column.

The following symbols, distinguishing marks and descriptive notations are used in the class notation.

KM Character of classification assigned to the ship or the floating facility which was constructed in accordance with the Rules and under the supervision of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
KM Character of classification assigned to the ship or the floating facility which was as a whole (or its hull or machinery installation, machinery, equipment) built or manufactured in accordance with the Rules and under the supervision of a classification body recognized by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and afterwards the ship or floating facility was classed by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
KM Character of classification assigned to the ship or the floating facility which was as a whole (or its hull or machinery installation, machinery, equipment) built or manufactured in accordance with the Rules and under the supervision of an IACS Member classification society but to which, due to specific structural features, KM* symbol cannot be assigned during the process of transfer of class to Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
(KM) Character of classification assigned to the ship or the floating facility which was as a whole (or its hull or machinery installation, machinery, equipment) built or manufactured without the supervision of a classification body recognized by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping or any other classification body and afterwards the ship or the floating facility was classed by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
УЛA, ULA Ice category mark of the ship (independent navigation in all areas of the World ocean in summer and autumn).
УЛ, UL Ice category mark of the ship (independent navigation in the Arctic in summer and autumn in light ice conditions and in the non-arctic freezing seas all the year round).
Л1, L1 Ice category mark of the ship (independent navigation in the Arctic in summer in broken open ice and in the non-arctic freezing seas all the year round in light ice conditions).
Л2, L2 Ice category mark of the ship (independent navigation in the non-arctic seas in small open ice).
Л3, L3 Ice category mark of the ship (independent navigation in the non-arctic seas in small open ice).
Л4, L4 Ice category mark of the ship (independent navigation in the non-arctic seas in small open ice, short period).
ЛУ1, Ice1 Ice category mark of the ship (independent navigation in small open ice in the non-arctic seas, short period, and in compact ice up to fac4 m thick in a navigable passage astern an icebreaker).
ЛУ2, Ice2 Ice category mark of the ship (independent navigation in small open ice in the non-arctic seas and in compact ice up to 0,55 m thick in a navigable passage astern an icebreaker).
ЛУ3, Ice3 Ice category mark of the ship (independent navigation in small open ice in the non-arctic seas and in compact ice up to 0,7 m thick in a navigable passage astern an icebreaker).
ЛУ4, Arc4 Ice category mark of the ship (independent navigation in young open arctic ice up to 0,6 m thick in winter and spring, and up to 0,8 m thick in summer and autumn. Navigation in a navigable passage astern an icebreaker in young arctic ice up to 0,7 m thick in winter and spring, and up to 1,0 m thick in summer and autumn).
ЛУ5, Arc5 Ice category mark of the ship (independent navigation in young open arctic ice up to 0,8 m thick in winter and spring, and up to 1,0 m thick in summer and autumn. Navigation in a navigable passage astern an icebreaker in young arctic ice up to 0,9 m thick in winter and spring, and up to 1,2 m thick in summer and autumn).
ЛУ6, Arc6 Ice category mark of the ship (independent navigation in young open arctic ice up to 1,1 m thick in winter and spring, and up to 1,3 m thick in summer and autumn. Navigation in a navigable passage astern an icebreaker in young arctic ice up to 1,2 m thick in winter and spring, and up to 1,7 m thick in summer and autumn).
ЛУ7, Arc7 Ice category mark of the ship (independent navigation in young close arctic ice up to 1,4 m thick in winter and spring, and up to 1,7 m thick in summer and autumn with short ramming rammer of ice ridges. Navigation in a navigable passage astern an icebreaker in young arctic ice up to 2,0 m thick in winter and spring, and in biennial arctic ice up to 3,2 m thick in summer and autumn).
ЛУ8, Arc8 Ice category mark of the ship (independent navigation in close young and biennial arctic ice up to 2,1m thick in winter and spring, and up to 3,1m thick in summer and autumn. Ramming rammer of ice ridges. Navigation in a navigable passage astern an icebreaker in biennial arctic ice up to 3,4 m thick in winter and spring, and in perennial ice in summer and autumn with no restrictions).
ЛУ9, Arc9 Ice category mark of the ship (independent navigation in close perennial arctic ice up to 3,5 m thick in winter and spring, and up to 4,0 m thick in summer and autumn. Ramming rammer of ice ridges. Short ramming rammer of the young and biennial close ice segments).
ЛЛ1, LL1 Icebreaker category mark (intended for all kinds of icebreaking operations in the arctic seas on coastal routes and shore ice belt routes in high latitudes all the year round and capable of forcing the way in compact ice field over 2,0 m thick. The total shaft power is 47807 kW and over).
ЛЛ2, LL2 Icebreaker category mark (intended for all kinds of icebreaking operations in the arctic seas during the summer period and for operation on coastal routes during the winter period and capable of forcing the way in compact ice field less than 2,0 m thick. The total shaft power is 22065-47807 kW).
ЛЛ3, LL3 Icebreaker category mark (intended for all kinds of icebreaking operations in the non-arctic freezing seas, in shallow waters and mouths of rivers flowing into the arctic seas during the winter period without assistance as well as for operation on coastal routes in the arctic seas under convoy of icebreakers of higher category all the year round, and capable of forcing the way in compact ice field up to 1,5 m thick. The total shaft power is 11032-22065 kW).
ЛЛ4, LL4 Icebreaker category mark (intended for all kinds of icebreaking operations in harbour and roadstead water areas without assistance all the year round as well as for operations in the non-arctic freezing seas under convoy of icebreakers of higher category during the winter period, and capable of forcing the way in compact ice field up to 1,0 m thick. The total shaft power is under 11032 kW).

ЛЛ1, LL1 Icebreaker icebreaker category mark (intended for all kinds of icebreaking operations in the arctic seas on coastal routes and shore ice belt routes in high latitudes all the year round and capable of forcing the way in compact ice field over 2,0 m thick. The total shaft power is 47807 kW and over).

ЛЛ2, LL2 Icebreaker icebreaker category mark (intended for all kinds of icebreaking operations in the arctic seas during the summer period and for operation on coastal routes during the winter period and capable of forcing the way in compact ice field less than 2,0 m thick. The total shaft power is 22065-47807 kW).

ЛЛ3, LL3 Icebreaker icebreaker category mark (intended for all kinds of icebreaking operations in the non-arctic freezing seas, in shallow waters and mouths of rivers flowing into the arctic seas during the winter period without assistance as well as for operation on coastal routes in the arctic seas under convoy of icebreakers of higher category all the year round, and capable of forcing the way in compact ice field up to 1,5 m thick. The total shaft power is 11032-22065 kW).

ЛЛ4, LL4 Icebreaker icebreaker category mark (intended for all kinds of icebreaking operations in harbour and roadstead water areas without assistance all the year round as well as for operations in the non-arctic freezing seas under convoy of icebreakers of higher category during the winter period, and capable of forcing the way in compact ice field up to 1,0 m thick. The total shaft power is under 11032 kW).

Subdivision distinguishing mark (one compartment flooded).
Subdivision distinguishing mark (two compartments flooded).
Subdivision distinguishing mark (three compartments flooded).
I, R1 Distinguishing mark for restricted area of navigation (navigation in sea areas at seas in a seaway with wave height with 3 per cent probability of exceeding 8,5 m and with proceeding not more than 200 miles away from the place of refuge and with an allowable distance between the places of refuge not more than 400 miles).
II, R2 Distinguishing mark for restricted area of navigation (navigation in sea areas at seas in seaway with wave height with 3 per cent probability of exceeding 7,0 m and with proceeding not more than 100 miles away from the place of refuge and with an allowable distance between the places of refuge not more than 200 miles).
IIСП, R2-RSN Distinguishing mark for restricted area of navigation (river-sea navigation in a seaway with wave height with 3 per cent probability of exceeding 6,0 m and with proceeding from the place of refuge:

-in open seas up to 50 miles and with an allowable distance between the places of refuge not more than 100 miles;

-in closed seas up to 100 miles and with an allowable distance between the places of refuge not more than 200 miles).

III, R3 Distinguishing mark for restricted area of navigation (port, roadstead and coastal navigation within limits established by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping in each case).
IIIСП, R3-RSN Distinguishing mark for restricted area of navigation (river-sea navigation at seas in a seaway with wave height with 3 per cent probability of exceeding 3,5 m with due regard for particular restrictions on the area and conditions of navigation resulting from the wind and wave conditions of the basins with determination of a maximum allowable distance from the place of refuge which in no case should be more than 50 miles).
A1, AUT1 Distinguishing automation mark (automation extent of the machinery installation, except for passenger ships and special purpose ships, carrying more than 200 special personnel on board, is sufficient for operation of the machinery installation with unattended machinery spaces and main machinery control room as well).
A2, AUT2 Distinguishing automation mark (automation extent of the machinery installation is sufficient for operation of the machinery installation by one operator from the main machinery control room with unattended machinery spaces).
A3, AUT3 Distinguishing automation mark (automation extent of the machinery installation with main machinery power output up to 2250 kW is sufficient for operation of the machinery installation with unattended machinery spaces and main machinery control room).

A1И, A2И or A3И AUT1-ICS, AUT2-ICS, AUT3-ICS Distinguishing automation mark denoting that automation is effected by using integrated computer systems for control and monitoring.

A1K, A2K or A3K, AUT1-C, AUT2-C, AUT3-C Distinguishing automation mark denoting that automation is effected by using computers or program logical controllers (PLC).

Ac, AUTstab Automatic stabilization mark of the high-speed craft (the craft is equipped with the system providing the automatic or semi-automatic stabilization in space and the craft is unable to move under service conditions without this system).

ДИНПОЗ-1, DYNPOS-1 Distinguishing mark for the ship fitted with Class 1dynamic positioning system (dynamic positioning system with minimum redundancy of its sub-systems. Loss of position can occur upon single failure in the system, i.e. a failure in any active or passive component).

ДИНПОЗ-2, DYNPOS-2 Distinguishing mark for the ship fitted with Class 2 dynamic positioning system (dynamic positioning system having such redundancy of its sub-systems that the position keeping ability of the ship is maintained without disruption upon single failure in any active component of the system, while it is considered that failure in any passive component is precluded owing to provision of appropriate protection).

ДИНПОЗ-3, DYNPOS-3 Distinguishing mark for the ship fitted with Class 3 dynamic positioning system (dynamic positioning system having such redundancy of its sub-systems that the position keeping ability of the ship is maintained without disruption in the following cases:
-single failure in any active and passive component, or
-failure in any active and passive components located in any one of the watertight compartments, due to flooding, or
-failure in active and passive components located within any of the fire zones, due to fire).

ECO Distinguishing mark in class notation, which identifies the basic requirements for controlling and limiting operational emissions and discharges.
ECO-S Distinguishing mark in class notation, which identifies the basic requirements for controlling and limiting operational emissions and discharges.

(ОВНМ), (OMBO) Distinguishing mark of one man bridge operated ship.

П1,FF1 Distinguishing mark of the ship carrying equipment for fire fighting aboard other ships (the ship carries supplementary systems, equipment and outfit for fire fighting aboard other ships, offshore drilling units, floating and shore structures and is in full compliance with the relevant requirements of the Rules in respect to these appliances proceeding from the degree of the ship's equipment with these appliances which is determined on the basis of the list of fire fighting equipment and systems prescribed by the Rules).
П1В, FF1WS Distinguishing mark of the ship carrying equipment for fire fighting aboard other ships (the ship carries supplementary systems, equipment and outfit for fire fighting aboard other ships, offshore drilling units, floating and shore structures and is in full compliance with the relevant requirements of the Rules in respect to these appliances proceeding from the degree of the ship's equipment with these appliances which is determined on the basis of the list of fire fighting equipment and systems prescribed by the Rules).
П2,FF2 Distinguishing mark of the ship carrying equipment for fire fighting aboard other ships (the ship carries supplementary systems, equipment and outfit for fire fighting aboard other ships, offshore drilling units, floating and shore structures and is in full compliance with the relevant requirements of the Rules in respect to these appliances proceeding from the degree of the ship's equipment with these appliances which is determined on the basis of the list of fire fighting equipment and systems prescribed by the Rules).
П2В, FF2WS Distinguishing mark of the ship carrying equipment for fire fighting aboard other ships (the ship carries supplementary systems, equipment and outfit for fire fighting aboard other ships, offshore drilling units, floating and shore structures and is in full compliance with the relevant requirements of the Rules in respect to these appliances proceeding from the degree of the ship's equipment with these appliances which is determined on the basis of the list of fire fighting equipment and systems prescribed by the Rules).
П3В, FF3WS Distinguishing mark of the ship carrying equipment for fire fighting aboard other ships (the ship carries supplementary systems, equipment and outfit for fire fighting aboard other ships, offshore drilling units, floating and shore structures and is in full compliance with the relevant requirements of the Rules in respect to these appliances proceeding from the degree of the ship's equipment with these appliances which is determined on the basis of the list of fire fighting equipment and systems prescribed by the Rules).
РЕФ, REF Distinguishing mark for the ship intended for carriage of refrigerated cargo in the specially equipped cargo spaces and/or in the insulated containers and has the refrigerating plant classed by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
BWM Distinguishing mark for ships complying with ballast water management requirements
CSR for oil tankers fully complying with the requirements of Part XVII

"Common Structural Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers" and for bulk carriers fully complying with the requirements of Part XVIII "Common

Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers" a distinguishing mark CSR shall mandatory be added to the character of classification.

IGS-IG Distinguishing mark for ships fitted with an inert gas system if a system uses an oil-burning inert gas generator as the inert gas source and the requirements of 9.16.9,Part VIII "Systems and Piping" are complied with
IGS-NG Distinguishing mark for ships fitted with an inert gas system if a system uses a nitrogen generator as the inert gas source and the requirements of 9.16.12,Part VIII "Systems and Piping" are complied with
IGS-Pad Distinguishing mark for ships fitted with an inert gas system if an inert gas system is only intended for forming an insulating pad in cargo tanks and the requirements of 9.16.11,Part VIII "Systems and Piping" are complied with. This distinguishing mark may be used where systems with inert gas supplied from cylinders are installed as well as for systems using inert gas and nitrogen generators whose capacity is insufficient for assigning the distinguishing marks IGS-IG or IGS-NG

INF1, INF2, INF3 for Class INF1, INF2, INF3 ships - distinguishing mark for a ship intended for carriage of packaged irradiated nuclear fuel, plutonium and high-level radioactive wastes (INF cargo)

LI Distinguishing mark for ships fitted with a loading instrument.
SDS<12 Distinguishing marks for ships fitted with a diving system permanently installed on the ship for ships fitted with a diving system designed for diving operations at depths less than 12 m
SDS < 60 Distinguishing marks for ships fitted with a diving system permanently installed on the ship for ships fitted with a diving system designed for diving operations at depths less than 60 m
SDS ≥ 60 Distinguishing marks for ships fitted with a diving system permanently installed on the ship for ships fitted with a diving system designed for diving operations at depths of 60 m and over
VCS Distinguishing mark for ships fitted with a cargo vapour discharge system.
Distinguishing mark of the nuclear ship (the ship is fitted with a nuclear propulsion plant).
Distinguishing mark of the nuclear support vessel providing the whole complex of operational support or individual types thereof of the nuclear ships.
(ОРП), (ESP) Distinguishing mark of enhanced survey program.
СВП Air-cushion vehicle.
СВПа Air-cushion vehicle amphibian type.
СВПс Air-cushion vehicle side-wall craft.
СПК Hydrofoil craft.
СС High-speed craft.
СМПВ Small water area twin hull ship.
МКС Multi-hull craft.

bulk carrier BC-A (ESP) Ship, 150 m or over in length, which is intended to carry bulk cargoes with a density of 1 t/m3 and above, with some of her holds remaining empty at maximum draught.

bulk carrier BC-B (ESP) Ship, 150 m or over in length, which is intended to carry bulk cargoes with a density of 1 t/m3 and above, with all of her holds loaded.

bulk carrier BC-C (ESP) Ship, 150 m or over in length, which is intended to carry bulk cargoes with a density below 1 t/m3.

bulk carrier BC-A (ESP)(no MP) Ship, 150 m or over in length, which is intended to carry bulk cargoes with a density of 1 t/m3 and above, with some of her holds remaining empty at maximum draught. The ship is not initially designed for loading or unloading in several ports.

bulk carrier BC-B (ESP)(no MP) Ship, 150 m or over in length, which is intended to carry bulk cargoes with a density of 1 t/m3 and above, with all of her holds loaded. The ship is not initially designed for loading or unloading in several ports.

bulk carrier BC-C (ESP)(no MP) Ship, 150 m or over in length, which is intended to carry bulk cargoes with a density below 1 t/m3. The ship is not initially designed for loading or unloading in several ports.

gas carrier type 1G Ship intended to transport products which require maximum preventive measures to preclude escape of such products.

gas carrier type 2G Ship intended to transport products which require significant preventive measures to preclude escape of such products.

gas carrier type 2PG Ship with a length 150 m and below intended to transport products which require significant preventive measures to preclude escape of such products, and where the products are transported in independent type C tanks designed for 700 kPa MARVS and above and working temperature in tanks 55 °C and above.

gas carrier type 3G Ship intended to transport products which require moderate preventive measures to preclude escape of such products.

chemical tanker type 1 Ship intended to transport products which require maximum preventive measures to preclude escape of such products.

chemical tanker type 2 Ship intended to transport products which require significant preventive measures to preclude escape of such products.

chemical tanker type 3 Ship intended to transport products of sufficient hazard to require moderate degree of containment to increase survival capability in a damaged condition.

Ref.class (Class notation of the refrigerating plant)

Class notation of the refrigerating plant denoting that the refrigerating plant fully or to a degree considered adequate by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping complies with those requirements of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping Rules which apply to it and that the refrigerating plant is under the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping supervision specified by the Rules in respect of its technical condition during the specified period with performing mandatory surveys prescribed by the Rules for this period. The validity of class of the refrigerating plant is certified by the valid Classification Certificate of the Refrigerating Plant. The following symbols and distinguishing marks are used in the class notation.

X, REF Character of classification assigned to the refrigerating plant built in accordance with Rules and under the supervision of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
X, REF Character of classification assigned to the refrigerating plant built in accordance with Rules and under the supervision of a classification body recognized by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and afterwards the plant was classed by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
X, REF Character of classification assigned to the refrigerating plant built in accordance with the Rules and under the supervision of an IACS Member classification society but to which, due to incomplete compliance with the Rules, the symbol (X) cannot be assigned during the process of transfer of class to Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

(X), (REF)Character of classification assigned to the refrigerating plant built without the supervision of a classification body recognized by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping or any other classification body and afterwards the plant was classed by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

Г, CA Distinguishing mark denoting that in addition to the refrigerating plant the ship is equipped with the system regulating the composition of the gas environment in the refrigerated cargo spaces and/or insulated containers.

C, CONTAINERS Distinguishing mark denoting that the refrigerating plant is intended for the cooling of cargo carried in the insulated containers.

H, LG Distinguishing mark denoting that the refrigerating plant is intended to maintain the required conditions for the carriage of the liquefied gas in bulk.

P, QUICK FREEZING Distinguishing mark denoting the capability of refrigerating plant of the factory ship to cool and freeze the sea products.

+, PRECOOLING Distinguishing mark of the refrigerating plant capability to refrigerate non-precooled sea products (the cooling capacity of the refrigerating plant is sufficient for refrigeration of a non-precooled cargo on board ship during a period of time that provides preservation of that cargo).

Refrig.temperature (Refrigerating temperature)

Specified refrigerating temperature of the cargo spaces and/or insulated containers in degrees Celsius.


GC Gas carried
R12 Freon 12
R22 Freon 22
R22+R115 Azeothropic mixture
R502 Azeothropic mixture
R717 Ammonia
R290 Propane
R404A R404A
R1270 Propylene
R134A CF3-CH2F

Aids of navigation

AIS Automatic identification system
AP Autopilot
ARPA Automatic radar plotting aids
BNWAS Bridge navigational watch alarm system
DF Direction finder
DPRR HF direct-printing radiotelegraph receiver
DRTM MF radio installation with digital selective calling
DRTMH MF/HF radio installation with digital selective calling
DRTV VHF radiotelephone station with digital selective calling
DWR Digital selective calling receiver
ECDIS Electronic chart display and navigational system
EGCR Enhanced group calling receiver
EPIRB Satellite emergency position-indicating radio beacon for Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
EPIRBV VHF emergency position-indicating radio beacon with digital selective calling
ESD Echo sounder
GC Gyrocompass
GSES GMDSS ship earth station
LOG Log (any type)
LRIT Equipment of long-range identification and tracking of ships
MC Magnetic compass
NAV NAVTEX receiver
PAS Public address system
RDR Radar
RNSR Radionavigation system receiver
RTG Radiotelegraph
RTGPH Radiotelegraph-telephone
RTPH Radiotelephone
RTU UHF radiotelephone station
RTV VHF radiotelephone station
SART Radar transponder
SCS Satellite communication system
SCRT Radio station for survival craft
SSAS Ship security alert system
S-VDR Simplified voyage data recorder
THD Transmitting heading device
TWRT Two-way radiotelephone apparatus
VDR Voyage data recorder

(GMDSS sea area A1)The area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous digital selective calling (DSC) is available

(GMDSS sea area A2)The area, excluding GMDSS sea area A1,within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station in which continuous digital selective calling (DSC) is available

(GMDSS sea area A3)The area, excluding GMDSS sea areas A1and A2,within the radiotelephone coverage of an INMARSAT geostationary satellites in which continuous alerting is available

(GMDSS sea area A4)The area, excluding GMDSS sea areas A1, A2 and A3

Special Survey

The date (month/year) of the last special survey.

SpS Special survey

Column 4. Hull/Cargo facilities

Date and place of build

Year, month and country of build of the ship. Date of build is the date at which the new construction survey process is completed. In case of substantial delay between completion of construction survey process and the ship commencing active service, the date of commissioning is shown in parentheses.

Hull No.

The shipbuilder's number.

Ship's type

The description of the ship printed in bold type is the basic type of the ship. The information shown under the basic type in light type indicate the additional features (subtypes) of the ship based on the known functions thereof. Ship's type in brackets refers to the class notation shown in Column 3.


dk Decks


bh Bulkheads


Number of berthed and/or unberthed passengers.

b Berthed
unb Unberthed

Special personnel

Number of special personnel (persons who are not passengers or members of the crew or children of under one year of age and who are carried on board in connection with the special purpose of the ship or because of special work being carried out aboard the ship).

sp Special personnel

Holds (Dry cargo holds)

Number of holds for general cargo and the capacity of one hold in cubic meters. For barge carriers — number of barges and the loading capacity of one barge in tons.

h Dry cargo holds

Refrigerated cargo spaces

Total number and total capacity in cubic meters.

rcs Refrigerated holds


Total number and total capacity in cubic meters.

tk Oil tanks

Hatches (Cargo hatches)

Number and dimensions of upper deck cargo hatches of dry cargo and refrigerated holds in meters and fractions thereof. For ro-ro ships — number and dimensions of the entrance gates in meters and fractions thereof. For barge carriers — number of hatches and dimensions of one hatch of one barge in meters and fractions thereof.

ch Cargo hatches
r Insulated (cargo hatches)

Derricks and cranes

Number and lifting capacity of derricks and cranes intended solely for cargo spaces, in tons and fractions thereof.

c Crane
d Derrick


Number of containers in TEU irrespective whether they are carried in holds and/or deck.

R Insulated (containers)
TEU Twenty-foot equivalent unit

Column 5. Machinery



Main engine date of build

Year of build of main engine.

Main engine place of build

Country of build of main engine.

Main engine model No. (Designation of main engine)

The manufacturer's model designation.

Main engine number, power (Number and power output of main engines)

Number of engines of the identical model designation and power output of one engine in kW. For electric propulsion plant — number and power output of the main generators in kW.

Main boilers number, type, pressure/heating surface (Number, type and pressure/heating surface of main boilers)

CO Composite
FT Fire tube
NS Nuclear steam
WT Water tube

Propulsion el.motors number, power (Number and power output of propulsion electric motors)

Power output in kW is shown for one propulsion electric motor.

pem Main propulsion electric motor

Generators number, power (Number and power output of generators)

Power output in kW is shown for one generator of ship's generating plant.

gen Electric power plant generator


Type of propeller.

APR Air propeller
bl Blades
CPP Controllable pitch propeller
db Detachable blades
FPP Fixed pitch propeller
PWH Paddle wheels
RTR Rotor
so Solid propeller
SPU Swinging propeller unit
VSP Voith-Schneider propeller
WJP Water-jet propeller

Column 6. Capacities

FO bunkers (Fuel oil bunkers)

Maximum capacity of fuel oil bunkers in tons.

bo Fuel oil-water ballast tanks with regard to substitution of water ballast by fuel oil

FO type (Fuel oil type)

Water ballast

ob Fuel oil-water ballast tanks with regard to substitution of fuel oil by water ballast

Heating coils

Heating coils in cargo spaces, fuel oil tanks, cleaning water tanks and water ballast tanks.

bhc Water ballast heating coils
chc Oil cargo heating coils
fhc Fuel oil heating coils


Equipment Number, grade of anchor chain cable and diameter of anchor chain cable in millimeters is recorded.

el Equipment Number
CAT1 Anchor chain of ordinary strength
CAT2 Anchor chain of high strength
CAT3 Anchor chain of special strength