• pic1
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Обозначения РМРС
Единицы cистемы СИ
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Характеристики судов
Судовые силовые установки:
  - ДВС
  - паровые котлы
  - электрооборудование судов
  - cудоремонт
  - холодильные установки
  - вспомогательные механизмы
  - горюче-смазочные материалы
  - материаловедение
Теория корабля
Классификация грузов
Оговорки в коносаментах
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Образцы судовых документов
Charters parties & B/L forms
Ссылки морских организаций

Обозначения Российского морского регистра судоходства

Symbols and Abbreviations Used in the Register of Ships

A1 Distinguishing automation mark
A2 Distinguishing automation mark
A3 Distinguishing automation mark
Ac Automatic stabilization mark of the high-speed craft
AIS Automatic identification system
AP Autopilot
APR Air propeller
Arc4 see ЛУ4
Arc5 see ЛУ5
Arc6 see ЛУ6
Arc7 see ЛУ7
Arc8 see ЛУ8
Arc9 see ЛУ9
ARPA Automatic radar plotting aids
AUT1 see A1
AUT2 see A2
AUT3 see A3
AUT1-ICS see A1И
AUT2-ICS see A2И
AUT3-ICS see A3И
AUT1-C see A1К
AUT2-C see A2K
AUT3-C see A3К
AUTstab see Ac
b Berthed
BC-A Distinguishing mark of the bulk carrier
BC-B Distinguishing mark of the bulk carrier
BC-C Distinguishing mark of the bulk carrier
bh Bulkheads
bhc Water ballast heating coils
bl Blades
BNWAS Bridge navigational watch alarm system
bo Fuel oil-water ballast tanks with regard to substitution of water ballast by fuel oil
BWM Distinguishing mark for ships complying with ballast water management requirements
c Crane
CA see Г
CAT1 Chain of ordinary strength
CAT2 Chain of high strength
CAT3 Chain of special strength
ch Cargo hatches
chc Oil cargo heating coils
CO Composite
CPP Controllable pitch propeller
CSR for oil tankers and for bulk carriers added to the character of classification
d Derrick
DF Direction finder
dk Decks
DPRR HF direct-printing radiotelegraph receiver
DRTM MF radio installation with digital selective calling
DRTMH MF/HF radio installation with digital selective calling
DRTV VHF radiotelephone station with digital selective calling
DWR Digital selective calling receiver
ECDIS Electronic chart display and navigational system
ECO Distinguishing mark of ecological safety
ECO-S Distinguishing mark of ecological safety
EGCR Enhanced group calling receiver
el Equipment Number
EPIRB Satellite emergency position-indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) for Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
EPIRBV VHF emergency position-indicating radio beacon with digital selective calling
ESD Echo sounder
(ESP) see (ОРП)
FF1 see П1
FF1WS see П1В
FF2 see П2
FF2WS see П2В
FF3WS see П3В
fhc Fuel oil heating coils
FPP Fixed pitch propeller
FT Fire tube
GC Gyrocompass
GC Gas carried (refrigerant)
gen Electric power plant generator
GSES GMDSS ship earth station
H Distinguishing mark of the refrigerating plant
h Dry cargo holds
Ice1 see ЛУ1
Ice2 see ЛУ2
Ice3 see ЛУ3
Icebreaker6 see ЛЛ6
Icebreaker7 see ЛЛ7
Icebreaker8 see ЛЛ8
Icebreaker9 see ЛЛ9
IGS-IG Distinguishing mark for ships fitted with an inert gas system
IGS-NG Distinguishing mark for ships fitted with an inert gas system
IGS-Pad Distinguishing mark for ships fitted with an inert gas system
INF1, INF2, INF3 INF3 distinguishing mark for a ship intended for carriage of packaged irradiated nuclear fuel
К Distinguishing mark of the refrigerating plant
KM Character of classification of the ship
KM Character of classification of the ship
KM Character of classification of the ship
(KM) Character of classification of the ship
L1 see Л1
L2 see Л2
L3 see Л3
L4 see Л4
LG see Н
LL1 see ЛЛ1
LL2 see ЛЛ2
LL3 see ЛЛ3
LL4 see ЛЛ4
LOG Log (any type)
LI Distinguishing mark for ships fitted with a loading instrument
LRIT Equipment of long-range identification and tracking of ships
MC Magnetic compass
MHC Multi-hull craft
NAV NAVTEX receiver
(no MP) Distinguishing mark of the bulk carrier
NS Nuclear steam
ob Fuel oil-water ballast tanks with regard to substitution of fuel oil by water ballast
(OMBO) see (ОВНМ)
P Distinguishing mark of the refrigerating plant of the factory ship
PAS Public address system
pem Main propulsion electric motor
PWH Paddle wheels
R Insulated (container)
r Insulated (cargo hatch)
R1 see I
R2 see II
R3 see III
R12 Freon 12
R22 Freon 22
R22+R115 Azeothropic mixture
R404A Refrigerant
R502 Azeothropic mixture
R717 Ammonia
R290 Propane
R1270 Propylene
R134A CF3-CH2F
rcs Refrigerated cargo spaces
RDR Radar
REF see X
REF see X
REF see X
(REF) see X
RNSR Radio navigation system receiver
RTG Radiotelegraph station
RTGPH Radiotelegraph-telephone station
RTPH Radiotelephone station
RTR Rotor
RTU UHF radiotelephone station
RTV VHF radiotelephone station
SART Radar transponder
SCRT Radio station for survival craft
SCS Satellite communication system
SDS < 12 Distinguishing marks for ships fitted with a diving system permanently installed on the ship
SDS < 60 Distinguishing marks for ships fitted with a diving system permanently installed on the ship
SDS ≥ 60 Distinguishing marks for ships fitted with a diving system permanently installed on the ship
so Solid propeller
sp Special personnel
SpS Special survey
SPU Swinging propeller unit
SSAS Ship security alert system
S-VDR Simplified voyage data recorder
TEU Twenty-foot equivalent unit
THD Transmitting heading device
tk Oil tanks
tm Tonnage mark
TWRT Two-way radiotelephone apparatus
UL see УЛ
unb Unberthed
VCS Distinguishing mark for ships fitted with a cargo vapour discharge system
VDR Voyage data recorder
VSP Voith-Schneider propeller
WJP Water-jet propeller
WT Water tube
А1И Distinguishing automation mark
A1K Distinguishing automation mark
А2И Distinguishing automation mark
A2K Distinguishing automation mark
A3И Distinguishing automation mark
A3K Distinguishing automation mark
Г Distinguishing mark of the refrigerating plant
ДИНПОЗ-1 Distinguishing mark for the ship fitted with Class 1 dynamic positioning system
ДИНПОЗ-2 Distinguishing mark for the ship fitted with Class 2 dynamic positioning system
ДИНПОЗ-3 Distinguishing mark for the ship fitted with Class 3 dynamic positioning system
Л1 Ice category mark of the ship
Л2 Ice category mark of the ship
Л3 Ice category mark of the ship
Л4 Ice category mark of the ship
ЛЛ1 Icebreaker category mark
ЛЛ2 Icebreaker category mark
ЛЛ3 Icebreaker category mark
ЛЛ4 Icebreaker category mark
ЛЛ6 Icebreaker category mark
ЛЛ7 Icebreaker category mark
ЛЛ8 Icebreaker category mark
ЛЛ9 Icebreaker category mark
ЛУ1 Ice category mark of the ship
ЛУ2 Ice category mark of the ship
ЛУ3 Ice category mark of the ship
ЛУ4 Ice category mark of the ship
ЛУ5 Ice category mark of the ship
ЛУ6 Ice category mark of the ship
ЛУ7 Ice category mark of the ship
ЛУ8 Ice category mark of the ship
ЛУ9 Ice category mark of the ship
(OBHM) Distinguishing mark of one man bridge operated ship
(ОРП) Distinguishing mark of enhanced survey program
П1 Distinguishing mark for the ship carrying equipment for fire fighting aboard other ships, offshore drilling units, floating and shore structures
П1В Distinguishing mark for the ship carrying equipment for fire fighting aboard other ships, offshore drilling units, floating and shore structures
П2 Distinguishing mark for the ship carrying equipment for fire fighting aboard other ships, offshore drilling units, floating and shore structures
П2В Distinguishing mark for the ship carrying equipment for fire fighting aboard other ships, offshore drilling units, floating and shore structures
П3В Distinguishing mark for the ship carrying equipment for fire fighting aboard other ships, offshore drilling units, floating and shore structures
РЕФ Distinguishing mark for the ship intended for carriage of refrigerated cargo
СВП Air-cushion vehicle
СВПа Air-cushion vehicle amphibian type
СВПс Air-cushion vehicle side-wall type
СMПB Small water area twin hull ship
СПK Hydrofoil craft
СС High-speed craft
УЛ Ice category mark of the ship
УЛA Ice category mark of the ship
X Character of classification of the refrigerating plant
X Character of classification of the refrigerating plant
X Character of classification of the refrigerating plant
(X) Character of classification of the refrigerating plant
Subdivision distinguishing mark
Subdivision distinguishing mark
Subdivision distinguishing mark
1SS Hull renovation level
2SS Hull renovation level
3SS Hull renovation level
I Distinguishing mark for restricted area of navigation
II Distinguishing mark for restricted area of navigation
IIСП Distinguishing mark for restricted area of navigation
III Distinguishing mark for restricted area of navigation
IIIСП Distinguishing mark for restricted area of navigation
+ Distinguishing mark of the refrigerating plant
Distinguishing mark of the nuclear ship
Distinguishing mark of the nuclear support vessel